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Products and Services                                        




Services provided


​Assessment by Functional Genomic Analysis (FGA) and Autonomic Response Testing (ART).

Acupuncture (in clinic and at home).

Nutritional supplement consultation.


Options for care


We provide several types of evaluation options and a range of treatments.

A 15-minute free initial phone call can help determine what service is appropriate.

Use the website contact link or call 443-721-1074 to schedule this free call.




Functional Genomic Analysis identifies unique genetic characteristics that can be modified

by diet, nutritional supplements and detoxification strategies. This work is done in

conjunction with Dr. Robert Miller of Functional Genomic Analysis.


Genomics is the study of very small changes in a person’s DNA. Each of us has about 25,000

different genes made up of approximately 3 billion DNA units. Subtle variations in 

DNA are not only what make us look different from one another, but also create

subtle health differences by changing the instructions for everything our cells make

and do; how we make hormones, handle inflammation and what nutrients we need

more or less of. These changes translate to health effects that can be modified, when understood.


For more information on FGA see:​




Autonomic Response Testing. This system, which is similar to biofeedback, quickly evaluates health 

concerns, with an emphasis on immune and neurological stresses. It also helps shape treatment

plans to resolve these issues.  The ART technique was developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt,

PhD, MD and is used by hundreds of clinicians throughout the world.  For more information see:


The Ruggiero-Klinghardt (RK) Protocol for the Diagnosis and Treatment of

Chronic Conditions with Particular Focus on Lyme Disease | American Journal of Immunology

| Science Publications


The issues that these two techniques address include:


Neurological problems
Immune dysfunction
Sleep issues
Functional digestive diseases

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

Depression and anxiety

Pain syndromes


​The specific concerns evaluated include:​​


1. Food allergies (inflammatory issues and stress response/weight gain effects).


​2. Toxicity (heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, are usually key; solvents and plastics

are usually secondary).


3. Nutritional deficiencies (macro and micro: protein, carbohydrates, fats and minerals/vitamins).


4. Chronic infections (Lyme is the most prevalent primary infection currently; latent viruses

can also be a factor, especially in autoimmune and chronic fatigue problems).


​​5. Environmental stresses (electromagnetic, mold, and inhaled allergens).




Diagnostic Techniques:
Autonomic Response Testing (ART)
Types of Symptoms and Diseases Addressed:
Treatment Modalities:

© 2018 by Hannah Bradford | Potomac Integrative Medicine


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